Expedia’s TravelAds search ad programme reaches France, Germany and Italy

Expedia Media Solutions, the advertising sales division of online travel company Expedia, has expanded its TravelAds search advertising programme to France, Germany and Italy.

Published: 04 May 2011

Expedia Media Solutions, the advertising sales division of online travel company Expedia, has expanded its TravelAds search advertising programme to France, Germany and Italy.

The programme, an automated search placement offering, has been available in the US, Canada and the UK since 2009.

TravelAds delivers targeted, sponsored listing in the hotel search results pages at Expedia.com and Hotels.com with criteria relevant to a specific property and location.

With TravelAds, hotels set a maximum price-per-click and only pay when a customer clicks on their hotel ad.

According to Expedia, this pay-per-click auction model is designed for any budget range, reaches “highly qualified customers and provides insightful analytics” at every step for hotels to adjust their campaigns.

For Expedia, as a percentage of total worldwide revenue in the first quarter of 2011, hotel accounted for 59 percent, advertising and media accounted for 15 percent, air accounted for 13 percent and all other revenue accounted for the remaining 13 percent.


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